K. Daniel is a young company from the heart of Schleswig-Holstein, specialized exclusively on the coating of weapons and weapons parts with Ilaflon ® K2 TM.
The necessity of a long overdue alternative to conventional coating methods, caused us to specifically offer the coating material
Ilaflon ® K2 ™ as basis for a marketable coating material.
It was important for us that the coating material has very specific criteria.
These include for example:
- very good wear resistance
- High flexibility
- excellent rust protection
- applicable on all heat-resistant surfaces without changing the colour, (no coloured weapon!)
- deep black - mat to satin - brilliant appearance
- High resistance to acetone, hand perspiration, petrol and diesel
- velvety grip feeling
Our employees have many years of experience in handling and operating weapons. Especially the sensitive area of handling with weapons offers no alternative than entrust professional specialized staff with working in this field.
Our client base includes private hunters - Retail - manufacturers, and companies that are active in the military and in the regulatory area.
With Ilaflon ® K2 TM we have succeeded to provide a coating material that meets wishes of the customers with regard to durability, appearance and exclusivity.
We would like to inform you that you have to contact us via the respective dealers (gunsmith).
Here you will be informed about the prices
Do you have any questions - we are happy to advise you |